G. F. Handel Music Academy

G. F. Handel Music Academy

G. F. Handel Music Academy

G. F. Handel Music Academy
The G. F. Handel Music Academy is a private music academy with excellent instrumental teachers in cooperation with international schools in Germany.
The fundamental arrangements are as follows:
Lessons take place during school hours
One private 45 or 30-minute lesson per school week
Close cooperation with the Music Department of the school
Lessons offered for all of the most common instruments
Lessons for all pupils from Reception up until Year 13
Our pupils have a rotating timetable, which guarantees that no student ends up missing the same school subject every week. Pupils from exam levels (Year 11-13) are given priority over fixed weekly lesson times that do not conflict with regular classroom hours, if possible.
For an easy, fast and successful start, we have some high quality musical instruments you can rent. This includes instruments from renowned manufacturers such as Yamaha and Pearl, as well as excellent string instruments especially handcrafted for our school by skilled violin makers. If you are thinking of buying or renting an instrument, our competent faculty will be happy to advise and guide you through the process.
There are no instrumental lessons taking place during the school and public holidays. Our schedule is coordinated with the calendar of the respective international school.